Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Final Project: My Boston Tea Party Ship

 For this assignment I had to enter the Freedom Trail server for my Discovering Computer Graphics Class.  I had to build a replica of the Elanor Ship from the Boston Tea Party in the same vicinity that we built the Old Boston State House. We also had to build the inside of the ship which is the cargo area.

First I started with building the foundation of the ship. I made sure it was large enough so I would have room to add the crate of tea.

 I built up the walls of the ship here. This I think took the longest out of everything because it is the most tedious task to do. The random little bubbles are from the night vision potion I had to use because you cannot sleep through the night in multiplayer.

I angle the front and back of the ship so it didn't like like a giant floating cube. 

 The actual ship is yellow, red and green as well. I used gold blocks here. It was hard to fit in the other colors without making the ship enormous.

This is where I begun to create the deck of the ship. I also added a layer of black because that's what the ship looked like.

 This is the cargo area of the ship that I began to build. I added a ladder to you can get in and out with ease without floating.
 I built a table in the middle of the area and also added torches to make it easier to see down there because it was so dark.
 Since this is the cargo area I added lot of spare tea crates to throw  into the harbor for later!

This is a final project using Minecraft to build a replica of the Eleanor ship from the Boston Tea Party. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chirs and Jeff Representing Boston College

 Two of my classmates from Boston College competed in a video game competition in LA. The winners received $450,000 in scholarship money. This was a televised event on ESPN! Check it out at .

Final Project: Group Statehouse

 For this project, we had to build the Old Boston Statehouse as a class. We built the Statehouse using multilpayer Minecraft and used the dimensions 12x38x14-16.

We started by laying out the foundation and then measuring how long and wide each wall was. Then I helped build the wall up until it was tall enough.

 I then started to add the windows with a couple other group members helping me.

Here are the window sills that we added to the outside of each window.

This is a picture of the roof windows and the wall windows finished.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Final Project: Local Old Boston StateHouse

For this assignment, I had to build my own replica of the old Boston State House Minecraft in the span of 4 hours. I used single player creative mode. The dimensions I used are 39 blocks long, 12 blocks wide and 13-16 blocks tall. Here are my progress screenshots:

First I found an area that looked to be big enough.
 I cleared a lot of the weeds out of the way.
 I then begun to build the foundation.
 I built up the walls using brick.

 and used sandstone for the accent.
 Once the walls were finished I begun to build the roof.

 After the base of the roof was built I begun to add on the windows.
 As well as, the top tower.

 I then worked on the wides of the building adding the windows and door.

 I also finished the back of the State house.

 And here's the finished front of the state house.

These are the photos I used to base my replica off of..

This is apart of my Final Project. I had to build a structure in MineCraft that looked like the Old State House in Boston. I used the brick for the entire building, then the stone, some sandstone, and clear glass for the rest of the building. It took a long time to build up all the walls, but once that was done, it wasn't' too difficult to make it look comparable to the actual building. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, April 16, 2015

WebGL Chrome Experiments the FAIL IN FIREFOX

For this assignment, I had to try to run Chrome Experiments using Mozilla's Firefox web browser. WebGL is not completely cross-platform yet so there is a great chance that there will be many problems trying to launch Chrome Experiments. First I tried running the experiments that I launch on Chrome. The first experiment that I tried was, WebGL Maze Which ended up working. The next experiment that tried was, JS Racing this also ended up working on Firefox. The last experiment I tried of the three I used is called, Swoop. This experiment also worked!

The only one I found that I would say failed it the Jack-O-Lantern Message. The experiment worked perfectly, but when I tried to shut it down the cursor wasn't visible and it stayed that way for about 10 minutes. This was really annoying...