Thursday, March 19, 2015

Class 8, My Birthday Card in Scratch

This time on Scratch I created a birthday card. I picked the dog this time cause I was kinda sick of the cat. Then I made it say "Happy Birthday!" 

I then got to choose a background. The one with the balloons seemed the most appropriate for the birthday card.

Next I added a cake. I made the cake animated so when its clicked the song "Happy Birthday" is played and the candles  even blow out, which I thought was pretty cool.

Next I gave the dog a friend because he seemed lonely. I made it so she was able to "dance" when she was clicked on. To make a sprite dance in Scratch you need to give it the command "costume change" and put it on loop.

I got to add my own sprite to the card. I chose the Unicorn cause it was brightly colored and fit in with the rest of the card.

The last and final thing the tutorial told me to do with the card was to make the dog say "Try clicking on things!" so people would know that other thing are animated as well.

To view my completed birthday card Click Here!

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