Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Final Project: Local Old Boston StateHouse

For this assignment, I had to build my own replica of the old Boston State House Minecraft in the span of 4 hours. I used single player creative mode. The dimensions I used are 39 blocks long, 12 blocks wide and 13-16 blocks tall. Here are my progress screenshots:

First I found an area that looked to be big enough.
 I cleared a lot of the weeds out of the way.
 I then begun to build the foundation.
 I built up the walls using brick.

 and used sandstone for the accent.
 Once the walls were finished I begun to build the roof.

 After the base of the roof was built I begun to add on the windows.
 As well as, the top tower.

 I then worked on the wides of the building adding the windows and door.

 I also finished the back of the State house.

 And here's the finished front of the state house.

These are the photos I used to base my replica off of..

This is apart of my Final Project. I had to build a structure in MineCraft that looked like the Old State House in Boston. I used the brick for the entire building, then the stone, some sandstone, and clear glass for the rest of the building. It took a long time to build up all the walls, but once that was done, it wasn't' too difficult to make it look comparable to the actual building. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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